wget http://www.finnix.org/releases/92.0/finnix-92.0.iso
If we want to use lvm2 we need to be able to boot from a live distro and access the data.
Will we find this with knoppix/kanotix etc?
we need to be able to do
say we have a volume group data on a physical volume 'data'
vgchange -ay data
(if it was formally exported before from old system (fat chance) then you can do
vgimport data
mkdir /data
mount /dev/data/ /data
say to load the information
2. Lets say to start a new physicalvolume and create a volume group
vgcreate volgroup1 /dev/sda1
lvcreate -L5G -n logicalvolume
mkfs.ext3 /dev/volgroup1/logicalvolume
then can mount it
mount /dev/volgroup1/logicalvolume /data
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