Climacs / Drei Common Lisp An Emacs-like editor in Common Lisp,
e3 none
Edwin Scheme Start with: scheme -edwin -edit
EmACT Minimal Lisp Fork of Conroy's MicroEmacs
Ersatz Emacs none A very minimal imitation of GNU Emacs
fe none Small and easy to use folding editor—successor to Origami
GNU Emacs Emacs Lisp
Hemlock CMU Common Lisp S
Jasspa's MicroEmacs custom Also as NanoEmacs with USE=nanoemacs
JED S-Lang
JOE macros Joe's Own Editor
Jove none Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs - a light emacs-like editor without LISP bindings
µEmacs/PK custom MicroEMACS 3.9e with enhancements by Petri Kutvonen
Mg none Micro GNU
Ng none Nihongo micro Gnu emacs, maintained by CJK team
QEmacs none Quick Emacs
SXEmacs Emacs Lisp In XEmacs overlay
Implementations Available For No Charge
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