Tuesday, November 17, 2009

perl regexp one liner to copy some images

oki have the images from one day on the camera card and i need to copy them
this works!

ls /mnt/usb/dcim/100ncd80/ -ltr |grep 2009-10-20|perl -pe 's/.*(dsc.*)/$1/'
lists the images i want
cd /mnt/usb/dcim/100ncd80/

ls -ltr |grep 2009-10-20|perl -pe 's/.*(dsc.*)/$1/'|xargs -I {} cp {} /home/debianuser/conferences/conf20091118

this works well!

and here is the flip images script to rotate the images

cat bin/flip_journal.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $angle=shift;
my $dir=shift;
if (!($angle && $dir)) {print"missing either the angle or the directory"; die;}
opendir (IN,$dir);
my @list;
@list=readdir (IN);
foreach (@list)
next if ($_ eq '.' || $_ eq '..');
system ("convert -rotate $angle $_ $_ ");

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